Nearly 98 percent of Catholic high school graduates go on to college.
Timeline for Applying to a Catholic High School:
June - August: Talk with family, friends and neighbors about schools they attend(ed). Visit high schools’
websites. (link listed below)
Fall/Winter (8th grade):
Early September: Request applications from high schools. Inquire about
financial aid options. Schedule up to three shadow visits (to follow a high school student) with the schools.
Mid-September–Early October: Catholic school students attend Catholic high school presentations at
elementary schools.
Mid-October–Late November: Attend high school open houses. See individual high school listings for open house dates and times. Catholic school students take High School Placement Test (HSPT) at school.
Early December: Deadline to apply for Archdiocese of Washington tuition aid for 2006-2007. Students not attending
Catholic schools take HSPT on a Saturday and must submit registration form and fee at least five days in advance.
Late December: Catholic schools send transcripts to students' high school choices.
December–January: High school applications due (contact each school for deadline dates).